This gallery belongs to the SRS community. The images have been gathered, with kind permission, from posts on our Facebook page, from private posts in the rhododendron community and people sending in their pictures. Please keep contributing your pictures and we will build up a complete picture of what flowers outdoors at what time of the year. Please note that flowering times vary across Scotland and some of the pictures are from our friends abroad. Svein Eric Tonnesen has provided picture from Norway where Winter temperatures can drop down to -15c.
Click on the tabs below to view the full range of our ever expanding gallery of flowering times.
Images should not be reproduced without permission from whom they are credited. Flower colours may not always show true.
February Flowering Rhododendrons 2024 (20 entries)R. barbatum, S.E.Tonnesen, NorwayR. calophytum var. openshawianum, S.E.Tonnesen, NorwayR. strigillosum, S.E.Tonnesen, NorwayR. ririei, Poul-Erik Jensen, NorwayR. sichotense, S.E.Tonnesen, NorwayR. mucronulatum, S.E.Tonnesen, NorwayR. dauricum, S.E.Tonnesen, NorwayR. ‘Nobleanum Album’, G.Moir, South ScotlandR. ‘Nobleanum’ , C.Wight, ArgyllR. arboreum albotomentosum M.Broadfoot, ArgyllR. fulgens, F.Campbell, Central ScotlandR. moupinense, J.Roy,West HighlandsR. ‘Preacox’, F.Campbell, Central ScotlandR. ‘Christmas Cheer’, F.Campbell, Central ScotlandR. ‘Handsworth Early Red’ , F.Campbell, Central ScotlandR. arboreum, M.Kinns, West ScotlandR. chrysodoron, M.Kinns, West ScotlandR. ledebourii, K.Cherezov, RussiaR. lanigerum CV 9530, C.Wight, ArgyllR.dauricum’Dwarf’, C.Weatherley, Aberdeenshire
The rhododendron with most posts this February was R.’Christmas Cheer’. A very hardy hybrid performing well with a mild start to the year.
Early March Flowering Rhododendrons 2024 (32 entries)R. dekatanum, J.Roy, HighlandsR.barbatum, C.Wight, ArgyllR. arboreum ‘Stonefield Red‘ , C.Wight, ArgyllR. argipeplum, C.Wight, ArgyllR. mallotum, C.Wight, ArgyllR. sutchuenense, C.Wight, ArgyllR. strigillosum, C.Wight, ArgyllR. erosum, C.Weatherley, AberdeenshireR.ririei, M.Broadfoot, ArgyllR. cilpinense, M.Kinns, West ScotlandR.lutescens, M.Kinns, West ScotlandR.siderophyllum, M.Kinns, West ScotlandR.macabeanum, M.Broadfoot, ArgyllR.montroseanum, M.Broadfoot, ArgyllR. ochraceum, C.Wight, ArgyllR. luteiflorum, M.Broadfoot, ArgyllR. thomsonii, C.Wight, ArgyllR.piercei, C.Wight. ArgyllR.hookeri, C.Wight, ArgyllR.arboreum cinnamomeum var. roseum ‘Tony Schilling’ C.Wight, ArgyllR.montroseanum, C.Wight, ArgyllR.hodgsonii, J.Roy, West HighlandsR. ‘Talavara‘ J.Roy, West HighlandsR.barbatum, J.Roy, West HighlandsR.strigillosum, J.Roy, West HighlandsR.pachytrichum, J.Roy, West HighlandsR.floccigerum, J.Roy, West HighlandsR.calophytum, G.Moir, South ScotlandR.praevernum, G.Moir, South ScotlandR.fulgens, G.Moir, South ScotlandR.piercei, M.Kinns, West ScotlandR.‘Christmas Cheer’, A.Knox, GrampianMid/Late March Flowering Rhododendrons 2024 (32 entries)R.camplylocarpum ssp. caloxanthum, C.Wight, ArgyllR.racemosum, M.Kinns, West ScotlandR.luteiflorum, M.Kinns, West ScotlandR. ‘Snow Lady’, M.Kinns, West ScotlandR.principis Rushforth K.D.4914, M.Kinns, West ScotlandR. ‘Cilpinense‘ A.Hogg, AngusR. ‘Praecox’, A.Hogg, AngusR.thomsonii, A.Hogg, AngusR.arboreum cinnamomeum var. roseum, J.Roy, West HighlandsR.roxieanum var. cucullatum, J.Roy, West HighlandsR.arboreum White Form, J.Roy, West HighlandsR.mucronulatum, J.Roy, West HighlandsR.oreodoxa var. fargesii, J.Roy, West HighlandsR.arizelum, A.Row, DumfriesshireR.arboreum ‘Tony Schilling’, A.Row, DumfriesshireR.flinckii, A.Row, DumfriesshireR.asterochnoum, J.Roy, West HighlandsR.boothii, J.Roy, West Highlands (brought indoors for flower protection)R.kesangiae, C.Wight, ArgyllR.exasperatum, C.Wight, ArgyllR.‘Sir Charles Lemon’, G.Moir, South ScotlandR.fulvum, C.Wight, ArgyllR.ciliatum, M.Kinns, West ScotlandR.coeloneuronAC1201, M.Kinns, West ScotlandR.denudatumAC1087, M.Kinns, West ScotlandR.pachysanthum, M.Kinns, West ScotlandR.spinuliferum, M.Kinns, West ScotlandR. lutescens, F. Campbell, Central ScotlandR. calostrotum, F. Campbell, Central ScotlandR. ‘Snow Lady’, F. Campbell, Central ScotlandR. pachysanthum, F. Campbell, Central ScotlandR. denudatum, F. Campbell, Central ScotlandEarly April Flowering Rhododendrons 2024 (48 entries)R.irroratum yilliangense, M.Kinns, West ScotlandR. ‘Sir Charles Lemon’ G. Bergius, ArgyllR. ‘Loch Awe’ G. Moir, South ScotlandR. ‘Avalanche Alpine Glow’ G. Moir, South ScotlandR. ‘Taurus’ G. Moir, South ScotlandR. ‘Avalanche’ C. Wight, ArgyllR. ‘Fulbrook’ C. Wight, ArgyllR. ‘Bibiani’ C.Wight, ArgyllR. ‘Grace Seabrook’ C.Wight, ArgyllR. lacteum, G.Moir, South ScotlandR. albrechtii, C. Wight, ArgyllR. arboreum, C.Wight, ArgyllR. arboreum, C. Wight, ArgyllR. arboreum, C. Wight, ArgyllR. arboreum Stonefield Red, C. Wight, ArgyllR. ‘Galactic’ , G. Moir, South ScotlandR. pachysanthum, G. Moir, South ScotlandR. fulvum, C.Wight, ArgyllR. falconeri, C. Wight, ArgyllR. ‘Exbury Calstocker’, C. Wight, ArgyllR.kesangiae, C. Wight, ArgyllR. sperabile var. weihsiense, C. Wight, ArgyllR. ‘Pride of Leonardslee’ C. Wight, ArgyllR. macabeanum, M. Storah, ArgyllR. montroseanum, M. Storah, ArgyllR. hodgsonii, M. Storah, ArgyllR. campanulatum , collected in Langtang Nepal 2000, J. Roy, West HighlandsR. pseudochrysanthum, G.Moir, South ScotlandR. campylocarpum, M. Kinns, West ScotlandR. ‘Drake’s Mountain’ F. Campbell, StirlingshireR. ‘Wheatear’, F. CampbellR. pemokoense, F. Campbell, StirlingshireR. pseudochrysanthum, F. Campbell, StirlingshireR. charitopes ssp tsangpoense, F. Campbell, StirlingshireWhite form of R. racemosum, F. Campbell, StirlingshireR. pingianum, F. Campbell, StirlingshireFirst flowering of this rhododendron, wild collected seed by Keith Rushforth, collected in AP. R. arizelum, W. Campbell, StirlingshireR. denudata at 120m, A. Row, DumfriesshireR. ‘Taurus’ A. Row, DumfriesshireR. ‘Logan Dameris’ G. Moir, South ScotlandR. lanatum aff, M. Kinns, ArgyllR. rigidum, M. Kinns, ArgyllR. arboreum aff, M. Kinns, ArgyllR. niveum, M.Kinns, ArgyllR. campanulatum, M. Kinns, ArgyllR. burmanicum, M. Kinns, ArgyllR. valentidioides, M. Kinns, ArgyllR. ‘Phalarope’ J. Roy, West HighlandsMid/Late April Flowering Rhododendrons 2024 (44 entries)R. pemakoense. From the fabled Pemako region of south east Tibet and north east India. J. Roy, West HighlandsR. lacteum. J. Roy, West HighlandsR. macabeanum, J. Roy, West HighlandsR. kesangiae CH&M 3099. J. Roy, West HighlandsGrowing in a basket of moss to mimic its epiphytic nature, R. leucaspis, J. Roy, West HighlandsR. sperabile var wehsiense, J. Roy, West HighlandsR. argyrophyllum ssp hypoglaucum JN. First flowering at Brecklet. J. Roy, West HighlandsR. ‘Phalarope’ covering itself in flowers as usual. J. Roy, West HighlandsR. morii, C. Weatherley, AberdeenshireR. pemakoense, C. Weatherley, AberdeenshireR. hookeri, J. Roy, West Highlands,R. roxieanum var. oreonastes, C. Weatherley, AberdeenshireR. Hippophaeoides var. Haba Shan, C. Weatherley, AberdeenshireR. denutatum (ex-Glendoick) C.Wight, ArgyllR. campylogynum ‘Myrtilloides Group’. J. Roy, West HighlandsR. sanguineum ssp.sanguineum var. haemaleum, C. Weatherley, AberdeenshireR. platypodum (ex-Glendoick) C. Wight, ArgyllR. glaucophyllum var tubiforme, J. Roy, west HighlandsR. falconeri (ex-Glendoick), C. Wight, ArgyllR. falconeri ssp eximium, M. Broadfoot,ArgyllR. ‘Cornish Cross’ (thomsonii x griffithianum) C. Wight, ArgyllR. ‘Pride Of Leonardslee’ (thomsonii x fortunei) C. Wight, ArgyllR. coeloneuron (ex-Glendoick), C. Wight, ArgyllR. ‘Queen Of Hearts’, C. Wight, ArgyllR. petrocharis growing in a basket of moss, J. Roy, West HighlandsR. pubescens.,J. Roy, West HighlandsR. charitopes ssp. tsangpoense., J. Roy, West HighlandsR. lanatum, J.Roy, West HighlandsR. imperator. My own collection from the south side of the Doshong La 1996., J. Roy, West HighlandsR. ‘Trewithen Orange’, J. Roy, West HighlandsAn Alan Clark collection of R. cinnabarinum, J. Roy, West HighlandsR. wardii x macabeanum Glendoick cross, J. Roy, West HighlandsR. schlippenbachii, J. Roy, West HighlandsR. ‘St Tudy’, J. Roy, West HighlandsR. ‘Alison Johnson’, J. Roy, West HighlandsR. ‘Teddy Bear’ yakushimanum x bureavii, J. Roy, West HighlandsR. ‘Bruce Brechtbill’, J. Roy, West HighlandsA pathetic flower but it’s a start. R. sidereum aff from Arunachal 2002. first flower, J. Roy, West HighlandsR. sinofalconeri, Dumfries&Galloway ., A. RowR. arboreum ‘Tony Schilling’ still flowering (pink- several weeks now), A. Row, Dumfriesshire R. arboreum Rubaiyat, A. Row, DumfriesshireR. niveum, M. Broadfoot, ArgyllR ‘Fragrantissimum Improved’,M. Wilkins, ArgyllR. Rex ssp. fictolacteum, A. Row, DumfriesshireR. rigidum, M. Kinns, ArgyllR. irroratum ssp. yiliangense, M. Kinns, ArgyllR. spinuliferum, M. Kinns, ArgyylR. aff. lanatum, M. Kinns, Argyll.R. valentidioides, M. Kinns, Argyll.Early May Flowering Rhododendrons 2024 (79 entries)R. tomentosum, C. Weatherley, AberdeenshireR. williamsianum, C. Weatherley, AberdeenshireR. anwheiense, C. Weatherley, AberdeenshireR. lindleyi George Sherriff, C. Wight, ArgyllR. venator, C. Wight, ArgyllR. sanguineum ssp. sanguineum, C. Wight, ArgyllR. ‘Virginia Richards’ G. Moir, South ScotlandR. ‘Scarlet Wonder’ G. Moir, South ScotlandR. ‘Halfdan Lem’ G. Moir, South ScotlandR. diaprepes, G. Moir, South ScotlandR. ‘Hotei’ G. Moir, South ScotlandR. argyrophyllum ssp nankingense, G. Moir, South ScotlandR. bureavii, G. Moir, South ScotlandR. ‘China’ G. Moir, South ScotlandR. ‘Queen of Hearts’ G. Moir, South ScotlandR. wiltonii, G. Moir, South ScotlandR. longipes, C. Wight, ArgyllR. orbiculare, C. Wight, ArgyllRhododendron ‘Martha Wright’. A hybrid of R. burmanicum and R. ‘Fragrantissimum’, M. Wilkins, ArgyllR. griffithianum, M . Broadfoot, ArgyllR. Loderi group, M. Broadfoot, ArgyllR. edgworthii, M. Broadfoot, ArgyllR. lindleyi L&S , M. Wilkins, ArgyllR. calostrotum ssp keleticum, A. Hogg, South AngusR ‘President Roosevelt’, A. Hogg, South AngusR ‘Ramapo’, A. Hogg, South AngusR. ‘Loderi King George’, A. Hogg, South AngusR. ‘Jingle Bells’, A. Hogg, South AngusR. ‘Tinkerbird’, A. Hogg, South AngusR. ‘Euan Cox’, A. Hogg, South AngusR. ‘Treecreeper’, A. Hogg, South AngusR. ‘Halfdan Lem’, A. Hogg, South AngusR. ‘Elizabeth Hobbie’, A Hogg, South AngusR. ‘ Loderi King George’, A. Hogg, South AngusR. ‘ Ingrid Mehlquist’, A. Hogg, South Angus.R. ‘Horizon Monarch’, A. Hogg, South AngusR. ‘Kimbeth’, A. Hogg, South AngusR. wardii, M. Broadfoot, ArgyllR. crinigerum, complete with persistent perulae, M. Broadfoot, ArgyllR. lindleyi, C. Wight, Argyll.R. burmanicum, C. Wight, Argyll.R. sinofalconeri, C. Wight, Argyll.R. maddenii ssp. maddenii Polyandrum Group Gigha form. Huge flowers, fabulous scent!, C. Wight, Argyll.R. ‘Loderi King George’, C. Wight, Argyll.R. ‘Biskra’, C. Wight, Argyll.R. ‘Crest’, C. Wight, Argyll.R. ‘Markeeta’s Prize’, C. Wight, Argyll.R. ‘Halopeanum/White Pearl’, C. Wight, Argyll.R. ‘Tequila Sunrise’, C. Wight, Argyll.R. ‘Hans Hachmann’, C. Wight, Argyll.R. ‘Pride of Leonardslee’, C. Wight, Argyll.R. ‘Cornish Cross’, C. Wight, Argyll.R. ‘Naomi Nautilus’, C. Wight, Argyll.R. ‘Horizon Monarch’, C. Wight, Argyll.R. ‘Cynthia’, C. Wight, Argyll.R. ‘Loderi Superlative’, C. Wight, Argyll.R. yunnanense pink form, C. Wight, Argyll.R. cinnabarinum blandfordiiflorum, C. Wight, Argyll.R. ‘Loderi Pink Coral’, C. Wight, Argyll.R. ‘Loderi Sir Edmond’, C.Wight, Argyll.R.’ Naomi’ AM form, C. Wight, Argyll.R. ‘Halfdan Lem’, C. Wight, Argyll.R. ‘Coronation Day’, C. Wight, Argyll.R. ‘Geoffroy Millais’, C. Wight, Argyll.R. hanceanum, M. Kinns, Argyll.R. Insigne, M. Kinns, Argyll.R. triflorum, M. Kinns, Argyll.R. ‘Sappho’, M. Kinns, Argyll.R. ovatum, M. Kinns , ArgyllR. orbiculare, M. Kinns, ArgyllR. leptocladon, M. Kinns, ArgyllR. decorum, M. Kinns, Argyll.R. xanthostephanum, M. Kinns, Argyll.Rh golden gate, V. Winters emRhododendron horizon monarch, V. Winters, Argyll, emR. hoppy, V. Winters, Argyll. Rhododendron kabarett, V. Winters, Argyll.Klondyke gold, V. Winters, argyll.Rh graziella, V. Winters, Argyll.Mid/Late May Flowering Rhododendrons 2024 (64 entries)R. cinnabarinum Roylei Group. J. Roy, West Highlands.R. cerasinum collected wild 1996 north Doshong La. J. Roy, West Highlands.R. ‘Consollini’s Windmill’. J. Roy, West Highlands.R. ‘Brown Eyes’. J. Roy, West Highlands.R. cinnabarinum subsp. xanthocodon, Alan Row, Dumfries&Galloway.R. ‘Gibraltar’ (deciduous azalea), J. Roy, West Highlands.R. degronianum ssp. yakushimanum, J. Roy, West Highlands.R. siderophyllum, J. Roy, West Highlands.R. fortunei, J. Roy, West Highlands.R. ‘Phyllis Korn’, F. Campbell, Stirlingshire.R. ‘Nicoletta’. F. Campbell, Stirlingshire.R. wardii, F. Campbell, Stirlingshire.R. ‘Markeeta’s Prize’, F. Campbell, Stirlingshire.R. ‘Goldsworth Yellow’, F. Campbell, Stirlingshire.R. ‘Starfish’, F. Campbell, Stirlingshire.R. ‘Viscy’, F. Campbell, Stirlingshire.R. souleii, F. Campbell, Stirlingshire.R. argyrophyllum, F. Campbell, Stirlingshire.R. argyrophyllum Chinese Silver, F. Campbell, Stirlingshire.R. ‘Fantastica’, G. Moir, South Scotland.R. pubicostatum, G. Moir, South Scotland.R. galactinum, G. Moir, South Scotland.R. ‘Lems Cameo’, G. Moir, South Scotland.R. ‘Loch o’ the Lowes’, G. Moir, South Scotland.R. ‘Moonshine Bright’, G. Moir, South Scotland.R. fortunei ssp. discolor Houlstonii Group, G. Moir, South Scotland.R. ‘Scintillation’, B. Ewan, Aberdeenshire.R. ‘Glendoick Pettycoat’, B. Ewan, AberdeenshireR. neriiflorum ssp. phaedropum, M. Broadfoot, Argyll.Rhododendron ‘Old Port’, J. Roy, West Highlands.R. griersonianum, M. Broadfoot, Argyll.R. decorum, C. Weatherley, Aberdeenshire.R. ‘Trailblazer’, J. Roy, West Highlands.R. smirnowii, C. Weatherley, Aberdeenshire.R. formosanum var formosanum Iteophyllum Group. J. Roy, West Highlands.R. ludlowii. My own collection from Arunachal Pradesh in 2002, J. Roy, West Highlands.R. keysii, J. Roy, West Highlands.R. ‘Percy Wiseman’, E. Owen, East Ayrshire.R. ‘Elizabeth’, E. Owen, East Ayrshire.R. ‘Nancy Evans’, E. Owen, East Ayrshire.R. ‘Secko’, E. Owen, East Ayrshire.R. ‘Princess Anne’, E. Owen, East Ayrshire.R.yunnanense, A. Row, Dumfries & GallowayRhododendron’WonderRed’ showing leaf underside, A. Row, Dumfries & Galloway.R. ‘Chetco’, V. Winters, Argyll.R.’ Kermasina Rose’, V. Winters, Argyll.R. ‘Geisha Orange’, V. Winters, argyll.R. longipes, V. Winters, Argyll.R. cinnabarinum ‘Royal Flush’ x R. Roylei., V. Winters, Argyll.R. ‘Janet Ward’, G. Moir, South Scotland.R. ‘C.I.S.’ G. Moir, South Scotland.R. canescens, G. Moir, South Scotland.R. yuefengense, C. Wight, Argyll.R. elliottii, C. Wight, Argyll.R. cerasinum ‘Cherry Brandy’ form, C. Wight, Argyll.R. ‘Albatross Townhill’, C. Wight, Argyll.R. ‘Kilimanjaro’, C. Wight, Argyll.R. ‘Gwillt King’,C. Wight, Argyll.R.’ Leo’, C. Wight, Argyll.R. ‘Lem’s Tangerine’, C. Wight, Argyll.R. ‘Lord Roberts’, C. Wight, Argyll.R. annae, bought at an RSCG auction a few years ago, P. Rankin, Mid-Lothian.R. Insigne, C. Weatherley, Aberdeenshire.R. qiaojiaense NN 0903, C. Wight, Argyll.June Flowering Rhododendrons 2024 (40 entries)R. ‘Kluis Sensation’, C. Wight, Argyll.R. ‘Lems Monarch’, G. Moir, South Scotland.R. ‘Fairylight’, G. Moir, South Scotland.R. Lavander Girl’, G. Moir, South Scotland.R. ‘F.W.Hayes’, G. Moir, South Scotland.R. facetum, C. Wight, Argyll.R. cerasinum ‘Coals Of Fire’ form, C. Wight, Argyll.R. cerasinum ‘Cherry Brandy’ form, C. Wight, Argyll.R. kwangfuense, C. Wight, Argyll.R. yuefengense, J. Roy, West Highlands.R. keysii, C. Wight, Argyll.(Deciduous Azalea) R. Gibralter, V. Winters, Argyll.R. ‘Hackmanns Feuerschein’, V. Winters, Argyll.R. ‘Annatevka’, V. Winters, Argyll.R. ‘Peste’s Fire Light’, V. Winters, Argyll.R. ‘Polarnacht’. J. Roy, West Highlands.R. ‘Albatross Townhill’, V. Winters, Argyll.R. ‘Moser’s Maroon’, V. Winters, Argyll.Azaleadendron ‘Martha Isaacson’, V. Winters, Argyll.R. ‘Tortoiseshelll Orange’, V. Winters, Argyll.R. ‘Lord Roberts’, G. Moir, South Scotland.R. ‘Tortoiseshell Champagne’, G. Moir, South Scotland.R. ‘Lady Clementine Mitford’, G. Moir, South Scotland.R. ‘Chionoides’, G. Moir, South Scotland.R. ‘Mrs Tom Lowinski’, G. Moir, South Scotland.R. ‘Souvinir de D.A.Koster’, G. Moir, South Scotlan.dR. ‘pink Perfection’, G. Moir, South Scotland.R. yuefengense, M. Kinns, Argyll.R. lepidostylum, J. Roy, West Highlands.R. ferrugineum, the Alpen Rose, M.Kinns, Argyll.R. ‘Fabia’, C. Weatherley, Aberdeenshire.R. ‘Cunningham’s White’, C. Weatherley, AberdeenshireR. sanguinium haemaleum, G. Moir, South Scotland.Rhododendron maddenii, nice pink tinge to the flower & fabulous scent. One of the first I planted in Oban circa 2009. C.Wight, Argyll.Rhododendron Pink Polar Bear (Polar Bear Group), C.Wight, ArgyllR. thayerianum, M.Broadfoot, Argyll,Rhododendron dalhousiae var. rhabdotum, C.Wight, Argyll.R. maddenii ssp. crassum, M.Broadfoot, Argyll.R. heliolepis, M.Broadfoot, ArgyllRhododendron brachyanthum ssp. hypolepiotum, C. WightJuly Flowering Rhododendrons 2024 (40 entries)Rhododendron Fortunea subsect PW41. R. glanduliferum. J.Roy, W. HighlandsR.‘Northern Star’, G.Moir, South Scotland.R. ‘Mrs A.T. de la Mare’ (strongly scented), G.Moir, South Scotland.R. ‘Ungerio’ , G.Moir, South Scotland.R. thayerianum, M.Broadfoot, Argyll.Rhododendron Europa (ungernii x kyawii) One of the later hybrids to flower. C. Wight, Argyll.R. ‘Amity’, C.Wight, Argyll.R. cerasinum ‘Cherry Brandy’, C.Wight, Argyll.R. facetum, C.Wight, Argyll.R. ‘Pink Polar Bear’, C.Wight, Argyll.R. maddenii, C.Wight, Argyll.R. keysii, C.Wight, Argyll.R. ‘Polar bear’, P.Rankin, Mid-Lothian.R. ‘Golden Splendour’, M. Storah, Argyll.Rhododendron ‘Arthur Osborne’. Parentage griersonianum x sanguineum didymum. J.Roy, West Highlands.R. viscosum, G.moir, South Scotland.R. facetum, collector’s number C&W 6395, M.Kinns, West ScotlandR. kyawii, M.Broadfoot, ArgyllAugust Flowering Rhododendrons 2024 (3 entries)Rhododendron auriculatum flowering now but getting spoiled by incessant rain. J.Roy, West Highlands.Rhododendron magniflorum NN 0959 (ex-Glendoick) – flowering for the first time in my garden! C.Wight, Argyll.R. ‘Curlew’, C.Wight, Argyll.September Flowering Rhododendrons 2024 (1 entry)R. ‘Autumn Dawn’, Caroline, Glendoick, PerthshireOctober Flowering Rhododendrons 2024 (0 entries)
November Flowering Rhododendrons 2024
First R. nobleanum of the season M.Broadfoot, Argyll