Join Us

Joining the ARS brings 4 Journals per year, plus the ability to join ARS meetings, conferences, conventions.
Print and fill in the form below and post it to our membership secretary.
You can download and post the form here:    Membership Form

For Paypal payments see the foot of the page for all the payment options OR you can email the membership secretary for BACS transfer details.

For general membership enquiries e-mail us at

Celebrate one of natures beauties with the Scottish Rhododendron Society.

Advantages of Membership

Membership is based on whether you want the benefits of the Scottish Rhododendron Society alone, or the additional benefits of membership of the American Rhododendron Society. To find out more about the A.R.S. visit

Individual Ordinary Membership of the S.R.S – £18.00
Provides Ordinary Membership for one person for a Calendar Year with one vote in S.R.S. elections and at business meetings. Member receives all S.R.S periodic publications. Also permits the Spouse/Partner to attend S.R.S. activities.

Family Ordinary Membership of the S.R.S. – £20.00
Provides Ordinary Membership for two persons, living at the same address, for a Calendar Year with two votes at S.R.S. elections and at business meetings. Members receive one copy of all S.R.S. periodic publications.

Individual Chapter Membership of the S.R.S. and A.R.S. – £41.00
Provides Chapter Membership of the S.R.S. and A.R.S. for one person for a Calendar Year with one vote in S.R.S. elections and at business meetings. Member will have one vote in matters relating to the A.R.S. Member receives all S.R.S. and A.R.S. periodic publications. Also permits the Spouse/Partner to attend S.R.S. activities.

Family Chapter Membership of the S.R.S. and A.R.S. – £44.00
Provides Chapter Membership of the S.R.S. and A.R.S. for two persons, living at the same address, for a Calendar Year with two votes in S.R.S. elections and at business meetings. Members will have two votes in matters relating to the A.R.S. Members receive one copy of all S.R.S. and A.R.S. periodic publications.

Associate Chapter Membership – £15.00
Provides Chapter Membership of the S.R.S. for one person for a Calendar Year. This category is only valid for an Individual holding current membership of another A.R.S. Chapter. Member receives all S.R.S. periodic publications.

Gift Aid

Have you signed up for Gift Aid yet? Help your society by filling in the form and sending it to our Treasurer or Secretary, every penny counts help the Society help you. Download Gift Aid Form


All payments to be in Sterling, whether in currency, cheques or money orders, and to be payable to the “Scottish Rhododendron Society“.

Credit Card or Standing Order facilities are not available with postal applications.

Please send application requests to :

For MEMBERSHIP enquiries e-mail us at:
For GENERAL enquiries e-mail us at:

To pay by credit card, please select the Paypal button below and choose the appropriate type of membership you wish.

If paying for a new membership online with Paypal, £1 will be added to cover the admin charges levied by Paypal, you must also email: with your full postal address and contact details, failure to do so may cause you not to get your publications.

Individual – Ordinary Membership of the S.R.S.  £18.00 Plus £1

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