2024 Argyll Spring Garden Tour summary

View of Ardmaddy Castle, by John Roy

Picture by John Roy
Picture by John Roy

Picture by John Roy

Picture by Grant Moir

Picture by Grant Moir
Picture by Grant Moir

Picture by John Roy

Author : Based on original text by Willie Campbell

Post compiled by Grant Moir

Scottish Rhododendron Show Results 2024

The Scottish National Rhododendron Show and Exhibition is the number one place for exhibitors from across Scotland to showcase the best of their rhododendron blooms.

Open to all, no matter the size of garden, there is a class for everyone to enter. New exhibitors are always welcome and there is plenty of expert advice and help on hand. A high calibre panel of judges ensure standards are kept up making this show a must for any rhododendron enthusiast.

Meet the judges

The panel of judges consists of David Chamberlain, a world leading authority on rhododendrons; Richard Baines, Curator of Logan Botanic Garden and leader of several botanical expeditions; and Maurice Wilkins, garden advisor and former head gardener of one of Scotland’s most popular rhododendron gardens, NTS Arduaine.

A few of the show highlights…

David Chamberlain receiving the ARS ‘Pioneer Achievement Award’
Sue Thornley
Paul Haynes
Philip Rankin
Fiona Campbell
Laura Cameron

Video created by John Roy.

Visitors to the show are able to take advantage of the SRS plant sale and find many bargains whilst supporting our E&E fund. The ‘Education & Exploration Fund’ helps young horticulturists expand their knowledge by providing grants for botanical travels or other educational pursuits.

rhodEshow 2024 post created by Grant Moir