Future Events


Images compiled from speakers presentations.

Speakers :

  • Richard Moore – on his trip to NE Nepal.
  • Colin Jones – about his botanical trip to Yunnan.
  • Jeanie Jones – shares her knowledge about Primulas from across the Himalaya and Turkey.
  • Grant Moir – talks about seeing plants in the wilds of NW Yunnan.

Tea and coffee provided, bring your own lunch.

RSCG AGM at lunchtime.

The Scottish Rhododendron Society has recently set up an ‘Education & Exploration’ fund to assist adventurous horticulturists in botanical travels. Click here to find out more


Details to be announced !

PDF Version of the Show Schedule (2024 version)

A guide to showing

Rhododendron Show & Exhibition Page

Join us on a tour of very different and varied gardens. Details to be announced ! 

For more information please contact us.

2022 Show images

Glenarn open day for Scotland Garden Scheme

As the last few years shows have been cancelled we decided to try our very first “Virtual” Scotland’s Annual National Rhododendron and 2021. So please take a look and join in all the fun. Its simple to exhibit and view.