The committee is made up entirely of volunteers dedicating their own time and effort towards running the SRS.
The SRS would also not be possible without many of our long-standing members and volunteers that help set up the show, look after plant stalls and information desks and contribute in many other ways.
“We are always looking for more assistance so if you can help in any way or are interested in becoming a member or would like to be on the committee then please get in touch.”
For MEMBERSHIP enquiries e-mail us at:
For GENERAL enquiries e-mail us at:
SRS Committee Office Bearers :
Hon. Vice-President
Bob Mitchell
Hon. Vice-President
Hon. Secretary
Hon. Vice-President
Dr. David Chamberlain
Past President
John Hammond
Hon. Treasurer
Membership Secretary
Publications Editor
Show Manager
Matt Heasman
Research Director
Education & Exploration Grant Fund Manager
Bryony White
Tours & Visits Coordinator
Show Secretary
Tours & Visits Manager
Seed Exchange Manager
William Campbell
Website & Media Coordinator
E & E Grant Fund Committee
Philip Rankin, John Roy, Ian Sinclair
Ian Douglas