Click on slider images for shortcuts to our most exciting pages and up-to-date posts.
Twice Yearly Review

Publications keeping you up to date with what is going on in the society. Also contains interesting articles on cultivation, members gardens, and visits. Take a look at one of our recent reviews… 2022 Autumn Review No 89

‘The World of the Rhododendron’ Yearbook

A comprehensive publication full of in-depth articles about our favourite plants, both rhododendrons, and companion plants. Also articles describing plant hunting expeditions to rhododendron rich areas of the world. Take a look at one of our recent publications 2022 Yearbook No23

Seed Exchange

Containing a wide variety of seeds from rhododendrons, trees and shrubs, primulas and other companion plants.

Garden visits and Tours

Guided tours of gardens and nurseries, often visiting places not normally open to the public. Areas visited include Cornwall, Wales, Ireland, Southern England and areas of Scotland. 2024 Spring Tour of Argyll Gardens

Joint Autumn Conference

Joining up with the ‘Rhododendron Species Conservation Group’ each year for presentations by keynote speakers on all aspects of horticulture and plant conservation.

Practical Workshops

A chance to gain practical experience on a wide range of skills including propagation techniques.

Free Garden Entry

Visit two of Scotland’s most prestigious ‘Himalayan Glen’ style gardens for free. Arduaine Gardens and Crarae Gardens in Argyll. Both gardens, along with other gardens of botanical importance are part of The National Trust for Scotland

American Rhododendron Society

Increase your membership to include the ARS and expand your networking opportunities. The ARS quarterly journals are full of garden descriptions, cultivation hints and in-depth articles from around the world. Joining the ARS also gives you access to their seed exchange. Visit The American Rhododendron Society.

Education & Exploration Fund

The Scottish Rhododendron Society has recently established the SRS Education and Exploration Grant Fund which will award grants of up to £1000 to young horticulturists and gardeners to pursue research and further study primarily into the genus Rhododendron.
This could include study tours and exploration to observe rhododendrons in their natural habitat.
Applications can now be submitted for next year.

See below for more information about the E&E fund and find information for applicants and application form.

Education and Exploration Fund Grant Page
Funds are limited and applications will be accepted on a first come first served basis.

Seed Exchange

Although the Seed Exchange is now closed, we still have plenty seed left and if you would like to get a £10.00 or £5.00 surprise package of rhododendron, trees and shrubs along with companion plant seed. Just Email me.

Scottish Rhododendron Show

The Society organises an annual show at the end of April where competitors show their best blooms from every rhododendron section, including species and hybrids. Anyone may enter and a novice cup is awarded to the first time exhibitor who wins this class. A visit to the show will provide an excellent introduction to our society and you will receive a warm welcome. Details of upcoming show

Highlights of 2024 Show


Members are invited to attend 39th AGM. Fri 26th Apr, 2pm. 2024 Gibson Hall. More details in members area

Spring Garden Tour

Our Spring Tour to Argyll Gardens this year was very successful. SRS members can look forward to garden reviews in ‘The World of the Rhododendron’ Autumn review. Summary of Spring Tour

Joint Autumn Conference

Date and venue now confirmed for 2024 as being: Sat 5th Oct, Royal Botanic Gardens Edinburgh (RBGE). Topic: Modern-day Botanical Travellers. More details on our Events Page.

Members Area

Keep up to date with SRS committee decisions and other news. Enter Members Area

  • AGM 26 April
  • Rhododendron Show 27th April
  • Argyll Garden Tour Mon 6th May- Fri 10th May
  • Joint Autumn Conference Sat 5th Oct
  • Seed Donations to be in by Mid December

May Newsletter 2024

“please note that that the SRS/RSCG joint conference will take place at the RBGE on 5th October. Titled “Modern Day Botanical Travellers” with talks from well known members of the Society.”

Willie Campbell, President

A Compilation of Frequently Asked Questions

What is the difference between a Rhododendron and Azalea?

Azaleas are all classified within the genus Rhododendron although historically they were placed into distinct genera. read more…

How do I identify Rhododendrons?

Learning to identify rhododendrons is very tricky and can take years of study. Fortunately, here you are amongst a group of enthusiasts that love nothing more than the challenge of identifying plants. Post pictures of your unknown plant on our Facebook page with as much information as you can and see what you find out.

What is the Nagoya protocol and how does it affect rhododendron growers?

Ratified by the UK government in 2014 and effectively bringing an end to distribution of plant material including seed. more data coming soon…

Can I still use peat? What alternatives are there ?

The Scottish government has made a pledge to end the sale of peat but as of yet, no date has been set. A public consultation in 2023 led to the SRS conducting our own survey into peat use. Survey results.

What plant pests and diseases do I need to be aware of ?

Marion Kinns as plant health watchdog for the SRS is happy to investigate a wide range of plant problems and find answers. Plant Health Questions & Answers

More questions than answers

A range of questions to be answered by SRS members.

  • What is the difference between species and hybrid rhododendrons ?
  • What does lepidote and elepidote mean ?
  • Rhododendron classification is confusing. Can someone explain it to me ?
  • What are the benefits of propagating from cuttings and how do I go about it?
  • What are the benefits of propagating by grafting and what technique do I use?

Glossary of Terms

2022 Glossary

Rhododendron Galleries

Find the SRS on Facebook Facebook scottish rhododendron society