The website is continually evolving with a lot of changes happening.
List of most recent updates (Nov 2024):
- Gallery of flowering times, November entry. (Yes, Rhododendron flowering in November!)
- Show Page. Everything you need to know about Scotland’s number 1 flower show.
- Troubleshooting peelie-wally Rhodies. Plant health Q&A. Page overhaul.
- Propagating Rhododendrons now with articles on grafting, air-layering and layering.
- Articles of interest updated and still being updated.
- New! Vacancies page on noticeboard. Find out how you can help on the SRS committee or volunteer to help in other ways.
- Cultivation of Rhododendrons page updated and now includes of list of specialist Rhododendron Nurseries.
- FAQ now provides in-depth answers on how to prune various types of rhododendron.